President Biden complimented the merits of the ‘Congressional Black Caucus’ during a speech to the Congressional Hispanic Caucus Thursday, his third public speaking gaffe in just two days.

Biden, 80, made the mishap during a speech at the Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute’s 46th Annual Gala in Washington, D.C., as he celebrated gala award recipient Sister Norma Pimental, executive director of Catholic Charities of the Rio Grande Valley. 

He said: ‘I know Sister Norma lives the lessons nuns taught me growing up. Lessons based on the Gospel of Matthew: feed the hungry, care for the sick, welcome strangers. They echo what my dad taught me, and I mean this sincerely, my dad used to say, ‘Everyone, everyone is entitled to be treated with dignity and respect.’ The Congressional Black Caucus embodies all those values.’ 

The incident took place the day after he forgot to shake the hand of Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, known as ‘Lula,’ before leaving a joint press conference and, later that night, repeated the same story at a fundraiser just minutes apart.

The president did not stop to correct himself after making the blunder, as he is sometimes able to during a speaking slip-up.

He continued: ‘Just think of the work we’ve done together on civil rights, labor rights, health care, education. Folks, we’ve fundamentally changed the direction of our economy to grow it from the middle out and the bottom-up.’ 

Fox News Digital reached out to the White House for a statement on the comment, but a response was not immediately received.

Biden also patted himself on the back for the number of Hispanic members in his Cabinet and credited himself for ‘record low’ Latino unemployment. 

The gaffes over the past two days come a week after he suggested African American and Hispanic employees lack ‘high school diplomas.’

‘We’ve seen record lows in unemployment particularly — and I’ve focused on this my whole career — particularly for African Americans and Hispanic workers and veterans, you know, the workers without high school diplomas,’ he said at Prince George’s Community College in Maryland.

Following a speech on workers’ rights at the United Nations in New York City on Wednesday, Biden shook the hand of International Labor Organization Director-General Gilbert Houngbo, who was on stage with him, and then walked away without acknowledging the Brazilian President.

Lula walked toward the president as if to shake his hand, then saw Biden take off in another direction. 

The foreign leader appeared irritated by the exchange – or lack thereof.

At a fundraiser later in the evening, Biden told the ‘same story’ just minutes apart ‘nearly word for word,’ several people from the event reported.

‘After briefly touting his economic record, POTUS reflected on his decision to seek the presidency,’ said Politico’s Jonathan Lemire, who was traveling with the president on Wednesday. ‘He told the story about the events of Charlottesville in 2017 as the reason for his campaign. A few minutes later, he told the story again, nearly word for word.’

Several users on X, formerly known as Twitter, quickly commented on the president’s age and the apparent decline in his health.

This post appeared first on FOX NEWS

