Former President Donald Trump mocked fellow Republican presidential hopeful and former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie over his weight during a campaign stump speech in New Hampshire on Tuesday.

The moment took a turn though when Trump jokingly admonished a member of the audience who, according to the former president, called Christie a ‘fat pig.’

‘Christie — he’s eating right now. He can’t be bothered,’ Trump said during the speech as the crowd laughed.

‘Sir, please do not call him a fat pig. That’s very disrespectful. Don’t call him — See, I’m trying to be nice,’ Trump then said, addressing the audience member who Trump said called Christie the name. 

‘Don’t call him a fat pig. You can’t do it. You can’t do that. So now, because you’re not allowed to do that, and, therefore, we’re not going to do it, okay? We want to be very civil, right?’ Trump said as he chuckled.

Trump’s comments were just the latest instance of his poking fun at Christie’s weight, something he’s done on multiple occasions in the past.

In June, Trump appeared to target Christie’s size in multiple social media posts following the former governor’s launch of his second presidential campaign.

‘How many times did Chris Christie use the word SMALL? Does he have a psychological problem with SIZE?’ Trump wrote on Truth Social, referencing Christie’s launch speech.

‘Actually, his speech was SMALL, and not very good. It rambled all over the place, and nobody had a clue of what he was talking about. Hard to watch, boring, but that’s what you get from a failed Governor (New Jersey) who left office with a 7% approval rating and then got run out of New Hampshire. This time, it won’t be any different!’ he added.

In September, Trump posted a photo of a man that looked like Christie standing at a buffet. ‘Chris Christie at a Roy Rogers at 11 PM in the evening trying to console himself,’ Trump wrote.

Fox News Digital has reached out to Christie’s campaign for comment. 

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